Signs of Autumn

Chilly mornings and evenings are arriving. There was a frost one morning this week and I managed to get a photo of melting frost droplets on one of my flower heads. The leaves are changing colour now and I have seen several brown ones on the ground.

Yesterday was our village show. There were classes for vegetables, flowers, homecraft, arts and crafts and floral arts. The vegetables were amazing. The love and care that had gone into their growth was very obvious. The flowers as well were beautiful and the cakes were amazing. I entered two photos in the photo classes but did not win anything although my son won first prize for his wild life photo.

The main thing for me about village shows is that it brings the community together and although there is some rivalry it is always friendly. The show was well attended and we all look forward to the show next year. Like the harvest festival it is another sign of Autumn.

What do you see as the signs of autumn?



A definite feel of Autumn in the air. Chilly mornings, darker mornings and darker earlier in the evenings. A slight touch of frost the other morning. I love this kind of day when nature can be seen at what I feel is its best, the colours of the leaves as they change each day, the clusters of berries ripening on the trees and hedgerows, and the dewy sight of spiders webs.

Summer is officially over and it is time now to look at what we have already harvested in our lives and what is left to harvest. It is a time of gratitude for all we have received whatever this is, friendship, food, healing, creativity and many other things I am sure you can think of. We are moving towards the Equinox when day and night are equal and we need to take time to look at what we have achieved too reflecting on this and seeing what we need to change in the future.

This weeks photo was taken some years ago in a small park in the town of Leicester just as the leaves were starting to change colour.