Looking at our world

We are half way through February and time appears to be flying very fast. But many things do not change. Some ‘sayings’ recently came to my mind. One is that ‘2 wrongs don’t make a right’. The other is that ‘an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind’. There are most likely to be many more ‘sayings’ like these. However it seems that some world leaders do not know these ‘sayings’ or don’t actually understand what they mean.

There are plenty of people who annoy me when I think about the above sayings. Those who twist words around to make themselves look good or innocent also annoy me. However it is what it is, another well known phrase!

But I want to be hopeful and I can see things around me that do give me hope. I see people helping others when needed and I see people helping to fill food banks and ‘kindness shops’. I also see things happening in the natural world. The weather has been very mild and plants seem to be coming into bloom about 2 or 3 weeks earlier than normal. I have lesser celandines out as well as daffodils and crocuses. I saw blackthorn blossom on the trees on Thursday and I have seen birds looking at nesting boxes with a view to moving in. I also saw a lot of dandelions on a grass verge. So I will continue to have some hope at least that our world will not only survive what is happening but will become a better place to live.

Signs of Spring

I’ve just taken a little stroll around the garden here. I have found dwarf iris in flower (in pots), some yellow flowers coming into bloom in the wild flower patch, lots of snowdrops and some new buds on one of the trees. Earlier in the week I had a short walk in one of the local nature reserves. There were signs of spring there too, hazel catkins, and new leaves on a hawthorn bush.

There is hope, nature continues to do it’s thing whatever we do. The birds nest and mate, the flowers keep growing as do the trees and shrubs. Yet the world around us is in turmoil with wars here and there and many natural disasters, drought, wildfires and floods.

There are times when I think I will be glad to leave this world and there are times when I have hope that things might change for the better and I want to be around to see those changes. Getting older makes you realise what you had in the past and whether that was better than what you have now. There are pros and cons in this type of thinking. Some things were better in the past and some things are better now. But we still have people starving and homeless. So there are still some things that have not changed.

Technology has brought lots of changes and some of those are really not for the better, if you think seriously about what technology is doing now and wanting to do in the future. Do you want a brain implant? Do you want AI to be around more? Some thoughts for another post at another time.